Golden Nuggets from the Psalms Monday, October 29, 2018
by Rev. Marjorie on 04/13/19
Psalm 8:3 When I consider Thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which Thou hast ordained.
The carnal mind sees God in nothing, not even in spiritual things, His Word and ordinances. The spiritual mind sees Him in everything, even in natural things, in looking on the heavens and the earth and all the creatures. Robert Leighton
Could we transport ourselves above the moon, could we reach the highest star above our heads, we should instantly discover new skies, new stars, new suns, new systems, and perhaps more magnificently adorned. But even there, the vast dominions of our great Creator would not terminate; we should then find, to our astonishment, that we had only arrived at the borders of the works of God.
How admirable are those celestial bodies! I am dazzled with their splendor and enchanted with their beauty! But notwithstanding this, however beautiful, and however richly adorned, yet this sky is void of intelligence. It is a stranger to its own beauty, while I, who am mere clay, molded by a divine hand, am endowed with sense and reason. Christopher Christian Sturm’s
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