The Sins of the Nation : Grasping The Senses

Rev. Marjorie Kummrow

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The Sins of the Nation

by Rev. Marjorie on 08/06/16

Morality in this country is now being replaced by individual rights.  In my opinion this nation of ours has three major sins that we must repent of or we will continue to be judged by the Almighty.  The trinity of what I call the “sins of replacement” involves first the belief that the Church has replaced Israel.  This sin is contrary to the scriptures and is immoral because it is not the truth… it is based on a lie.  The Church cannot claim rights that truthfully belong to Israel or dismiss Israel saying that God has replaced Israel with the Church when He has not.  God has said that He will bless those that bless Israel and curse those that curse Israel.  We Christians need to stand with Israel and educate in love our brothers and sisters who believe the doctrine of Replacement Theology as being contrary to the Word of God, so that they do not bring curses upon themselves.  We have a loving Father who longs to bless.

The second grievous replacement sin is that of abortion.  We have replaced the morality of protecting life in the womb for the individual rights of the mother to abort her child.  It is a sad commentary when the most dangerous place for a baby is in its Mother’s womb, and it is likewise a sad commentary when women are dangerously forced into abortion because there is a child in her womb.  Again education is the key.  We as Christians can not continue to keep silent, we must find acts of love to do what we can to rescue Mother and Child from this great atrocity.  We have a loving Father who longs to comfort every Mother who grieves over the loss of her child.  Let us help her find His loving arms.

The third sin of replacement is the fact that we in this nation are replacing the definition of marriage as a union between one man and one woman to be replaced and to include it to be a union between two individuals whether they are two males or two females.  Gay marriage as of the date of this writing is recognized in 17 states.  We are accused of hate crimes if we dare to stand against homosexuality.  The truth is that it is hateful not to educate the homosexual community about the consequences of this sin.  We must dare to love them enough to tell them the truth of what is contained in the Word of God.  Homosexuality is not an alternative life style anymore than alcoholism or adultery is an alternative life style.  It is sin.  We have a loving Father who longs to embrace every repentant sinner including the homosexual. Pray for those that you know to be homosexual so they are able to receive the truth and love them enough to inform them of what the Word of God says.

As we look at all three sins we must recognize in each case morality has indeed been replaced with individual rights.  These sins that I call “the trinity of replacement” speaks loud and clear as to what the root of the problem is…As a Nation we have replaced God and the religion of our forefathers who formed this great nation with the religion of “Liberalism”. 

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