Golden Nuggets from the Psalms Saturday, November 3, 2018
by Rev. Marjorie on 04/13/19
Psalm12:2-3 They speak vanity every one with his neighbor. With flattering lips and with a double heart do they speak. The Lord shall cut off all flattering lips, and the tongue that speaketh proud things.
The original is, “A heart and a heart;” one for the church the other for the change; one for Sundays, another for working days; one for the king, another for the pope. A man without a heart is a wonder, but a man with two hearts is a monster. It is said of Judas, “There were many hearts in one man;” and we read of the saints, “There was one heart in many men.” Thomas Adams
When men cease to be faithful to their God, he who expects to find them so to each other will be much disappointed. George Horne
We are witnessing at this very time in history the fall of proud hypocrites who were elected into governmental positions under false pretenses. We’ve heard their eloquent speeches filled with “double talk,” saying one thing and doing another. They create laws to protect animal life from scientific experiment and at the same time, see nothing wrong with our tax dollars supporting Planned Parenthood. These abortionists slaughter babies in the womb of their mothers and then sell their body parts for experimentation. Woman march for woman’s rights, while supporting the killing of their unborn daughters. All of them Hypocrites!!!
The Lord is indeed cutting these proud double hearted people down. He is having His Revolution, just as He has said, through His prophetic people. He is turning the tables of the money changers once again. He is exposing the evil acts of the wicked that have for decades been hidden. Yet only those with spiritual eyes are able to see that this Revolution has at its head, the King of Kings and the Lord or Lords who intends for His Glory to cover the earth. Rev. Marjorie Kummrow
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