Golden Nuggets from the Psalms Wednesday, October 31, 2018 : Grasping The Senses

Rev. Marjorie Kummrow

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Golden Nuggets from the Psalms Wednesday, October 31, 2018

by Rev. Marjorie on 04/13/19

Psalm 10:4 The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God. God is not in all his thoughts.

Pride plunged Satan from heaven into hell; it banished our first parents from paradise; and it will, in a similar manner, ruin all who indulge in it. It keeps us in ignorance of God; shuts us out from His favor; prevents us from resembling Him. Beware of pride! Beware lest you indulge it imperceptibly, for it is perhaps, of all sins, the most secret, subtle, and insinuating.

The pride of the wicked is the principal reason why they will not seek after the knowledge of God. Pride consists in an unduly exalted opinion of one’s self. It is, therefore, impatient of a rival, hates a superior, and cannot endure a master. It is evident that nothing can be more painful to a proud heart than the thoughts of such a being as God. Edward Payson

The only place that God is not is in the thoughts of the wicked. This is a damning accusation’ for where the God of heaven is not, the lord of hell is reigning and raging; and if God be not in our thoughts, our thoughts our thoughts will bring us to perdition. Charles H. Spurgeon

Let me challenge my readers to examine their thoughts. Your thought life is the measuring stick as to your devotion to the Living God. One time when I was in prayer asking the Lord to examine my heart, I asked Him if I had any idols before Him. I was somewhat astounded with what the Holy Spirit whispered to me. He said, “What ever it is that you think about more than you think about Me, that thing is your idol.” The sin of pride is an ongoing concern for the followers of Christ because it is a sin that loves to hide itself in our though life. Let each of us for the sake of our own growth examine the things that we think about. Rev. Marjorie Kummrow

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