The Teaching Ministry of 
Rev. Marjorie Kummrow

Glory Experiences
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I am convinced that our belief system has a lot to do with divine intervention.  That is not to say that the Lord in His sovereignty and at His choosing can intervene with anyone at anytime.  My point, however, is to say that if we know the word and believe what it says, and expect divine intervention we are likely to get the things that we believe.  Conversely, I also believe that when we have unbelief, it ties the hand of God from moving in a supernatural way.  The reason I say that, is because the word of God says that signs and wonders will follow those that believe.  (emphasis of the word believe) Each of us has a choice to either believe what the word of God says, or to believe the negative voices that we hear repeated in our minds, from either ourselves or the voices of others.  Sometimes the things we believe to be true are not the truth.  The truth is the word of God.  Therefore, each thought or belief must be measured against the word of God.  Now, I am not saying, that there are not times when doubt does creep into my mind, because it does.  Those are the times when I must bring my mind captive under the mind of Christ.  I usually have a little talk with myself about what I should and should not believe because our battle is in our minds. At those times I convince myself to believe the word of the Lord.

When God in His word tells me that He is my protector and that He is my high tower of safety that I can run into, I happen to believe Him.  When His word indicates to me that my faith is my shield of protection, I happen to believe that too.  When His word says that He will answer me when I call, I believe that as well. When He says that He will never leave me or forsake me, I believe Him.  He has proven Himself to be faithful to His word, at so many different times and in so many different situations.  The following are several of those situations where the Lord my protector and provider showed up on the road.

For awhile my children attended a private school, that is, until we could no longer afford to financially support such an education.  The school was about a twenty minute drive from our home.  I drove them to school and picked them up again at the end of the day.  The drive is breathtaking, with its winding roads through the Kettle Moraine forest in Delafield, Wisconsin.  As I was coming up a small hill and about to make a sharp turn to the right, I had a vision of a car coming around the bend at record speed and because it was going so fast, it had crossed over into my lane and a horrible accident took place in the vision.  Immediately before I had time to think I slowed down and pulled my car over on to the shoulder of the road.  Just in time, I might add, because just as the vision had shown me, a car traveling ever so fast, came barreling around the curve in the road.  Had I not pulled over to the shoulder, there would have been a head on crash.  There is no other explanation, except to say that the Lord in a vision had warned me.  Jesus had given me His own personal road sign warning.  What a God we serve!

Another time on a cold winter night, during a snow storm, I was traveling on a country road close to my house.  There was a slight incline before one would reach the top of the overpass that I was traveling on.  On the left side of the overpass was a railing about 3 feet high.  On the right side was solid ground. If a car were to break through the railing on the left, it would drop about 8 or 10 feet to the ground.  As I traveled there was a steady stream of traffic ahead of me and behind me.  I watched the car ahead of me as it twisted and turned trying to stay on the road.  The minute I reached the top of the incline I hit a patch of ice and I had no control over my vehicle.  The car turned itself to the left and was headed for the railing.  I could see in my rearview mirror the headlights of cars behind me.  In those seconds before I would have hit the railing and plummeted to the ground, I cried out to Jesus for help.  In a flash He was there, and I felt the car rise up as if it were hydroplaning. It then turned and was facing the direction that I needed to go, however instead of going straight ahead; it moved perpendicular to the right side of the road and was put down on the shoulder of the road just in time to let the other cars pass without incident. For any car to move sideways, from left to right would be an impossible feat, but then nothing is impossible with God. I cannot but wonder what the car behind me must have been thinking as he or she witnessed this phenomenal event.  Needless to say, I sat there praising the Lord before I was able to gain my senses and drive away safe and sound.  Jesus had met with me on the road that night!

This next experience with the Lord is not about any kind of accident or near accident, but since it happened in my car I decided to tell it here.  Through the years I have been on both sides of the financial spectrum.  I know what it is like to have the kind of abundance that allows you to have anything and everything that your heart desires.  I also know what it is like to wonder where the money is going to come from to pay my bills and to put food on the table.  This story is about one of those times when the bank account was empty. 

My husband’s business had failed and he was without a job.  I had taken a job with a real estate company, but had not closed any deals, and since I got paid by the commission from a sale, and there were no sales, we were hurting.  I had taken a listing from a couple in our town to sell their house. I needed to drop some paperwork off at their house and I had just enough gas in the car to drive to their house and back again.  So I knew I would be able to take care of that business, but I didn’t know what I was going to do for the rest of the day. I would be in need of my car for the rest of the day to conduct some other business transactions. 

“Lord”, I prayed, on the way to my client’s house.  “I do not know how You are going to do this, but I need money for gas, and your word says that You will supply all of my needs according to your riches in glory”.  When I arrived at my destination, I parked the car in front on their house, rolled up the windows and locked the doors after I got out of the car.  After I was finished with my business, I returned to my car.  I unlocked the door on the driver’s side and was ready to get in and sit down, when I saw something on the seat that looked like a green pea.  I thought to myself, how strange is that, how did a single little pea get into my car?  

So I picked it up off of the driver’s seat and upon further examination discovered that it was not a pea at all.  It actually was not round like a pea but square.  It was a green square of paper the size of a pea that had been folded into a perfect tiny little square.  I began to unfold it and to my great delight and surprise, it was a twenty dollar bill. I knew instinctively that the Lord or an angel had put it there.  It was not there when I got out of the car, and the car was still locked when I returned to it.  Besides that, I tried to fold that twenty dollar bill myself to see if I could fold it into something that was as small as a pea, and found it impossible to do.  I couldn’t fold it that small, let alone fold it into a perfect cube. Try it yourself sometime!  

It was the hand of God that folded that twenty dollar bill that small. I had said to him “I don’t know how you are going to do this”, and I did expect him to do something.  I just did not expect to find a pea that turned into a twenty dollar bill.  I sat there in my car and laughed and laughed, and I just know that He was laughing too. God had been in my driver’s seat having fun with me that day.  Amazing!  After sitting there awhile and having a good laugh with the Lord, I started the car and headed to the gas station with the twenty dollar bill in my hand.

Yet another time that also involves my daughter and the miracle that God did for her.  It was Thanksgiving time, and my husband and both of my sons were planning a hunting trip with their grandfather and uncle.  They intended to be gone a few days including Thanksgiving day. So Tracey and I decided that we would take a trip of our own.  We chose to go to Corpus Christy, Texas and enjoy the beach there for the holiday.  Well we never made it to the beach.  On our first day there, we left our motel room, got in our rented car and drove through town looking for a grocery store to purchase something to drink.  We never made it to the store either.  

As I approached the intersection, the light was green and so I proceeded to cross the intersection.  A woman that was in the oncoming traffic turned right in front of me and I could not stop the car in time, and therefore I hit her.  The collision sent both of our cars swirling and our car ended up hitting a light pole head on.  Unfortunately neither, Tracey or myself, had our seat belts on, nor did we have the benefit of air bags.   

I felt the impact in my legs and particularly in my knees.  Although shaken and in pain, I was grateful to be alive.  The impact threw Tracey to the windshield and she hit her head so hard that she became temporarily blind, which really scared both of us.  When I looked over at her, the slacks that she was wearing were covered with blood.  Immediately when I saw my daughter’s condition, I began to pray in tongues. I knew   there was nothing that I could pray from my conscious mind at that moment that could possibly have the same affect that allowing the Holy Spirit to pray would. The gift of speaking in tongues and having a prayer language that transcends the natural mind is said to be a mystery, because the Holy Spirit makes intercession for us.  If ever I needed the Holy Spirit to be praying for us, it was then.

When the paramedics arrived on the scene, the first thing that Tracey wanted to know was how was the mother and little child that we barely got a glimpse of, was doing in the car that we hit?  Were they all right?  We were told that they were shaken, but not hurt badly.  This was a great relief to both us, because from the look of their car, we were expecting to hear the worst.  The car that we had rented was totaled and it looked as if theirs was too.. 

The paramedics had difficulty opening up our car doors because of the damage to the car.  After awhile they pulled my daughter from the car, put her on the stretcher and put her in the ambulance and began to examine her.  I followed her into the ambulance, and although my legs were in pain, I was able to walk and did not need the use of the stretcher.  Because of my strong belief that the Lord is in control of all things, and my belief in the power of prayer, I never stopped praying in tongues.  I did not care what the paramedics might think, as they were listening. I only cared whether or not God was listening.  I laid my hands on Tracey as the bible instructs us to do, and prayed in tongues over her for the entire ride to the hospital. 

The paramedics put Tracey on life support and began to cut her bloody clothes off of her in order to clean her up and discover where her injuries were in order to treat her.  Although her slacks were a bloody mess, when they washed her legs up and looked her body over to see where the blood was coming from, nothing could be found.  Her legs were in perfect condition.  There were no open wounds on her body any where, much to the amazement of the men that were examining her.  The puzzled look on their faces will forever be locked in the memory of my brain as a “Kodak moment”.  It was obvious to me that there was one other person in that ambulance with us.  The Great Physician had arrived on the scene.  My prayers had summoned Him.  Although He was unseen, the healing work of His Holy Spirit was seen by all in total amazement. 

(Tracey has kept the pants that the paramedics cut off of her as a memorial to the Glory of God and the miracle that took place)

We were admitted to the hospital in Corpus Christy and both of us were checked over from top to bottom and we were dismissed sometime in the wee hours of the morning and sent back to our motel room in a cab.  The ride back to our hotel was nothing short of another miracle.  The cab driver was a woman, and as she pulled away from the hospital, she began to ask us questions about why we were in the hospital.  We told her that we had been in an accident and had totaled our car.  All of a sudden this woman cabdriver turns her head completely around to look at us sitting in the back seat.  “Oh I know what you mean, I totaled my cab just last week!”  This she said, without ever looking forward as the cab was racing down the highway at what seemed to be well over the speed limit.  She insisted on having a conversation with us the entire time, mostly turning her head to look at us while racing to our destination.  Tracey and I looked at each other frightened and scared, but it was great comic relief and both of us just busted out laughing.  Tracey whispered to me, “why am I not surprised that she was just in a bad accident?” With this statement, we looked at each other, rolled our eyes and broke into nervous laughter again.  It was only the grace of God that got us to our motel without having another accident on the way.  His protective hand was heavy upon us that night, and it would not have surprised us, if He had actually taken control of the steering wheel to assure our safety. 

We spent the entire vacation in our motel room recovering from the accident.  Each of us in too much pain to even suggest a flight out of there so we could be home in our own beds. We were so stiff and sore that we could hardly move.  So we spent our vacation in our beds in the motel room.  Finally after several days in bed, we made ourselves get ready and go to the beach; however we did not enjoy ourselves very much.  We were anxious to get home to be with the rest of our family and celebrate the miracle that we were both still alive.  

This story happened on a trip that I was taking alone in my Oldsmobile.  I lived in Dallas at the time and I was making a trip to Wisconsin where all three of my children lived at the time.  I was making the trip on a weekend and it was a two day trip for me.  When I traveled alone I would leave very early in the morning and pull off the road around 3 or 4 o’clock in the afternoon to avoid the heavier traffic.  I would get a nice motel room, have dinner, and retire early so that I could get an early start again the following morning.  In this case the following morning would have been Sunday morning.  

As usual I was in my car and on the road early.  I wasn’t on the road very long when my car started to over heat.  So I exited the interstate, and turned off on a country road. Just as soon as I saw a gas station, I pulled over hoping to get some help.  The gentleman that was holding down the fort was very nice and willing to help a lady in distress.  I told him that I was coming from Dallas and I was about half way to my destination, which was Wisconsin.  When I told him that my car had just started to over heat and I didn’t know what to do.  He said that I needed a mechanic, but that I would be hard pressed to find anyone to help me on Sunday.  Then he said, “Ok this is what we will do once your car cools down.  I am going to open the hood and tie it down so that there will be an air space of about an inch.  This will circulate the air over the engine keeping it cool while you travel.  But you will need to get the car to a mechanic as soon as you can. Now if you notice that the car begins to over heat again after awhile, you will need to pull over and let the car cool down.”  So once the car was cooled down, this fine gentleman did just what he said he was going to do, and I drove away with a one inch air space between my hood and the body of the car.

Once I was back on the interstate headed north, I began to pray.  “Father God, I need for you to keep this car running until I get to my daughter’s place.  Please Lord do not let it over heat or stop working.”  I put my praise tapes in the player and began to sing songs to the Lord for the rest of the trip.  Intermittently I prayed for God to keep the car running, sang songs to Him, and prayed in tongues.  At the same time my eyes were glued to the gauge making sure that the car was not over heated. At times I know my prayers sounded more like begging desperation, PLEASE GOD, PLEASE, JUST LET ME GET THERE!  The rest of the trip home was coupled with faith and fear.  I had waves of faith wash over me and I would think God is going to do this, yes He is.  Then out of nowhere would come the thoughts, but what if He doesn’t.  So in order to silence the double minded thoughts, I would sing His praises.

Finally I saw the sign "Welcome to Wisconsin," and I began to chant, "just a little longer, just a little bit longer."  When I saw Tracey’s apartment complex, I burst into a song of thanksgiving.  Then just as I turned on to her driveway the car made a loud sputtering noise and gave up the ghost.  Now you tell me, was that a coincidence?  I think not!  The Lord had once again provided me with His traveling mercies.

When the Olds gave up the ghost, my son Kelly convinced me to get a little Chevy Berretta. Well this one day after moving to Phoenix, I was on I17 traveling north when the car started to slow down and chug along in spurts.   I quickly looked at the gas gauge and found it to be on empty, actually below empty; Since, I was near an exit, I tried to move the car to the exit and off the expressway, but to no avail.  It sputtered a bit and moved a foot more or so and quit.  “Please, God” I prayed, “help me get off this highway. “ I turned the key, fully expecting the car to start, but it did not.  I bowed my head in prayer again, as the traffic was whizzing by.  “Lord,” I said, “remember the loaves and the fishes, I need for you to put some gas in this car.”  I turned the key, nothing.  I was panic stricken and near tears. Again I prayed, “Lord, forgive me for being careless and not checking the gas gauge long before this, so this whole scene could have been avoided.  But now I need your help, please Lord, just enough gas to get to the gas station.  I turned the ignition key again, and VAARRROOOM, the car started and I drove another mile or two to the nearest gas station.  My near tears had turned to joy as I exited the express way and drove away.  My AAA road side assistant had helped me once again.   Our Awesome, Ageless, Authority met me with His roadside assistance. 

These are some of the stories about how the Lord has met with me on the road. I have experienced such awesome miracles when Jesus is in the driver’s seat!

Be Blessed, 

Rev. Marjorie

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Jesus in the Driver's Seat
By Rev. Marjorie