Grasping The Senses
Stock Piling food
by Rev. Marjorie on 08/06/16
I recently received a newsletter
from a local Rabbi and within the contents of the letter, was an advertisement for
purchasing freeze dried food in preparation for national disasters related to
these end on days. Many commentators on T.V. and on internet sites are
also offering various sources where you can purchase food to stock pile.
A pastor here in Phoenix tells of being part of a conversation with two doctors
who were talking about the end of the world, and how they were storing up
food. These marketers are making mega dollars on advertising that is
geared to cause fear.
Everywhere you turn these days, people are fearful as to what is going to
happen to them when the events that have been prophesied touch their
lives. It amazes me that it seems as if the greatest fear seems to be,
"how will I fill my stomach"? Because of this fear many people
are stock piling food.
I cannot but help to ask the question. What good will it be to have your
stomach full and your soul hungry when disaster strikes? What good will
it be to have your stomach full, and your heart empty on the day that Jesus
returns? Perhaps our fears should be redirected. Perhaps our fear
should focus on whether or not we are ready for His return. How will you
feel with your stomach full as he closes the door on you? Jesus stands
today at the door of every heart and knocks waiting to be invited in. If
you open the door of your heart to Him now, He will not close the door to you
at His coming. Perhaps it would be wise to make sure that He has taken up
residence in our hearts and that He has satisfied our spiritual hunger and
nourished our souls. The infilling of the Holy Spirit is food that will
last through eternity.
No matter how much food is stock piled, eventually it will run out, or someone
else will kill you for it. Jesus said not to worry about what to eat or what to
wear. He said our Father in heaven knows what we need, and He will
provide it. If the Lord was able to feed the Hebrews for 40 years in the
desert, I am confident that He will be able to feed me if the need
arises. Therefore I am not stock piling food for the stomach.
Rather I am stock piling the manna from heaven. As it is written,
"Man cannot live on bread alone, but from every word that proceeds from
the mouth of God." In preparation for His return, I am filling
myself up on His Word. Jesus is the bread of sure you get your fill.