Welcome to Sweet Manna Ministries

We are a faith based ministry. Our many thanks go out to the loving people that support this ministry. Your continued support is greatly appreciated!  

We are constantly updating our website to keep you informed. There is a lot to browse through and we don't want you to miss a thing! We hope it's life changing! Thanks for visiting and we would like to hear from you.  

Sweet Manna Ministries is a ministry that is committed to educating Christians concerning their Jewish roots. Our goal is to explore the Word of God from a Jewish perspective and Hebraic understanding. It is this ministry's belief that unless the scriptures are looked at through Hebrew eyes we will miss the "Manna from Heaven that is Hidden in Plain Sight." Rev. Marjorie is a graduate from Christ for the Nations and the founder of Sweet Manna Ministries.

Sweet Manna is a ministry that is committed to educating Christians concerning their Jewish roots.  We Christians have a marvelous Hebrew heritage that warrants our intensive study. As Christians, we worship a Jewish Messiah.  We read a book: the Holy Scriptures which was written by Jewish authors under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  

The early church consisted of Jewish believers, and it was Jewish men and women that took the gospel to Gentile nations.  Much of the Jewishness of the New Covenant has been lost because of misinterpretation of the scriptures and because of the infiltration of Hellenistic philosophy that has affected our western thought process.  It is this ministry’s belief that unless the scriptures are looked at through Hebrew eyes we will miss the “manna from heaven" that is hidden in plain sight.

Rev. Marjorie is the founder of Sweet Manna Ministries and Elyadah Books & More.  She is a graduate of Christ for the Nations Bible School, where she graduated with a Jewish minor and it was there that she was ordained and called to the ministry. After graduation she spent a summer in Israel educating herself and ministering to the Jewish people there.

After returning from Israel, she worked under the leadership of Dr. Jeffery Seif her Jewish professor from Christ for the Nations.  He was then head pastor of DeSoto Community Church in DeSoto Texas, which was a rich foundation for Rev. Marjorie to launch her Jewish Roots ministry.  Since the untimely death of Zola Levitts, Dr. Seif has taken over the Zola Levitt’s ministry. Rev. Marjorie has recently been honored by a second ordination under the umbrella of Mayim Hayim Ministries of Phoenix Arizona, an international teaching ministry that explores the Word of God from a Hebraic perspective.

The ministry was founded after Rev. Marjorie left Texas to return to Chicago.   Rev. Marjorie presently resides in Phoenix AZ where she is continuing her ministries.  

Sweet Manna will endeavor to use e-mail and the internet to promote this teaching ministry.  Rev. Marjorie is also available on a more personal level; she is a willing itinerate, sharing with the body of Christ, a more intimate look at our Hebrew Lord. Please contact the ministry to schedule times and dates. 

If you want to add your name or someone else’s name to our mailing list, if you have questions or prayer requests that you would like the ministry to address, or if you do not wish to receive further e-mail from Sweet Manna, please contact the ministry at: marjorie@sweetmanna.org  Please add our address to your address book so that the forthcoming e-mails will not go to your spam file. Thank you.


"He who has an ear, let him hear what the spirit says to the churches. To him who  overcomes I will give some of the hidden manna to eat."  

And I will give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name written which no one knows except him who receives it."     Revelation 2:17
Jesus & Hanukkah By Rev. Marjorie E. Kummrow

Paperback Large Print $5.99

As Christians, we worship a Jewish Messiah. We read the Holy Scriptures which was written by Jewish authors under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The early church consisted of Jewish believers, and it was Jewish men and women that took the gospel to Gentile nations. Much of the Jewishness of the New Covenant has been lost because of misinterpretation of the scriptures and because of the infiltration of Hellenistic philosophy that has affected our western thought process. Explore the scriptures through Hebrew eyes and discover the "manna from heaven" that is hidden in plain sight.

What Does Jesus Say About Homosexuality? The Biblical Truth In Plain Sight By Rev. Marjorie Kummrow

Paperback $6.99

Explore the scriptures that Pastors and the Body of Christ wrestle with today on the matter of homosexuality. Find out what Jesus has to say about this very important subject. Society today has a decision to make, whether or not they choose to be politically correct or Biblically correct.

The Rapure:End Time Teaching From a Hebraic View
Part I  Introduction
The Pre-Tribulation: End Time Teaching From 
A Hebraic View  Part II  
This is a study is about the hand of the Lord and how His hand can be seen as a hand of blessing or a hand ready to destroy. In this study we will discover His hand to be for or against us depending on whether or not we are on the Lord’s side or against Him. I think it can be said of most devote Christians that we long to see His face. We want to experience God pawneh, pawneh i.e. face to face. I believe it could be said that our deepest need spiritually is to seek the face of God. 

However, it can likewise be said that our greatest need in the natural is the blessing of His hand. I hope that this study will uncover for all of us the need to seek His hand. Occasionally, I will be inserting my own thoughts and commentary as we explore the scriptures on “the hand of the Lord.”However for the most part I am allowing the scriptures to speak for themselves.
Contact UsPrayer RequestsIntroducing Rev. Marjorie KummrowAsk The Rev.How To Be Born AgainSupport Sweet Manna


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This ministry has made a choice to be "Biblically correct" as opposed to "politically correct" therefore we have forfeited the non-profit status available to us.  Please note that all donations to this ministry are not tax deductible.  Thank you for your support.


Tracey Jorielle Kummrow Singing 
"Wounded Soldier"
Tracey Jorielle Kummrow Singing 
"I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel"